Sunday, February 10, 2008

SAVE Money and register EARY BIRD!

We have added cost savings this year! Early bird entry is $10 less than last year! Standard entry is the same as last year. The TT is open to everyone for $25 and the TT times will be posted Friday afternoon (see bible and flyer). The GC Premier races are stage races and we will wait before we open up the individual entry until Friday before the race. If you want to 'just' race the crit or RR it WILL open Friday until 5pm. Then registration will be at the hotel Friday night and at the Registration table race day. We know that the prices are higher for individual races - that is because these are stage races not individual races. We will have early bird entry to our S7 events starting at $25 (see for details).

For more info on AMB Chips go to

We hope everyone really enjoys this year's GC.


Steve M. said...

I need a little clarification please. On the 30+ masters. I see 30/40 designation for the leaders GC competition and I am clear on that. Will the 30 and 40 group be scored separately? or will they be scored as a combined group.

Anonymous said...

Steve, the 30+ and 40+ although racing together will be scored separate! Separate podium's and Jerseys. We will identify the 40+ with a clear marking on the race number.

Steve M. said...

Thanks for the clarification. That makes my decision much easier!